I know you're busy.  Who isn't these days?  With all of us running around chasing kids, grand kids, homes, church, jobs AND that oh so important hobby, QUILTING, it's important to stop and smell the roses.  Because of all that hard work you've put into piecing a quilt, it's important to see that project finished and ready to show off.

I'm here to help you finish those projects.  Do you love to piece together quilt tops, but hate the time and energy it takes to quilt them on your home sewing machine?  Send them my way.  A Busy Bobbin will get busy quilting your pieced tops so that you can continue staying busy piecing them.

I've been sewing since I was nine years old.  My mother sat me down in front of the sewing machine and over the years, she has taught me all I know.  We started with crafts and clothing in the 4-H home economics program and eventually moved onto quilting.  I still learn from her today and believe she is the best quilter out there.  I am biased since she is my Momma, but her passion for quilting is contagious and I strive to be like her.

My husband retired from 23 years in the Navy.  He and I and our two sons have lived in many places throughout his Naval career but his last tour was three and a half years in Naples, Italy.  What an experience! After his retirement, we went back home to Texas and lived 9 years in Humble, Texas area (a northern suburb of Houston).  This is where I started my machine quilting business and became ensconced in the Houston area quilting community.  My husband couldn't get enough of the Navy life, so he took a job working as a civilian for the US Navy and we were stationed in Bahrain, a small island country in the Persian Gulf, for 5 and a half years.  I took my quilting business with me and quilted for expats and locals on the island.  We are now back in the states again stationed in the Norfolk, Virginia area and living the American dream.  


Hi, I'm Kim Norton and I'm the proud owner of an ABM Innova long arm quilting machine.  It's a dream to finish off a quilt on these fabulous machines.  I bought my first Innova  in 2009 and through the years I purchased more machines and added a computerized system as my business grew.  14 years later, my current set up is on an Innova I have named Betty Beast.  She is a 26" big-boned beauty sitting on a 12' frame so I can quilt those king sized quilts for my customers.  Betty has attached to her back Innova's Navigator which is a computerized robotics system. I've named the Navigator Bob (I know, it's silly, but I like to talk to my machines so they have names). I have over 450 digital patterns to choose from. Lets pick the right one to go on your quilt.

A Busy Bobbin

Professional Longarm Quilting